Day of Action is an unforgettable, hands-on experience, while actively improving our community and spending quality time with fellow volunteers.
Bold Goals For Day of Action:
- Breaking the cycle of poverty
- Meeting immediate basic needs
- Giving kids an equal chance
- Building pathways to a healthy community
How Day of Action Works:
- Local community organizations and non-profits identify project needs
- Companies and individuals form teams and register through the United Way
- United Way links teams with projects (such as painting or building a playground)
- Teams spend a half-day working on-site on the project
What's Included:
- Day of Action t-shirt
- Light breakfast at project site (fruit, granola bars, etc.)
- Lunch at Campaign Kickoff immediately following the volunteer project
- Recognition on United Way social media
Schedule of Events:
Friday, July 26, 2024
8:30 AM - Arrive at site & begin project (light breakfast provided)
11:30 AM - Volunteer projects wrap up
12:00 PM - Campaign Kickoff lunch begins
2024 Day of Action Site Registration is Now Closed Day of Action Volunteer Registration is Now Closed