The William Hall Rodgers Christmas Food Basket Fund is an original in Cleveland’s philanthropic scene. Dating to the depression-era, this program was established to help neighbors in need and has continued through the decades as a source of goodwill during the holiday season. This free resource facilitated by United Way of the Ocoee Region is available to all Bradley and Polk County residents.
$50 = 1 Christmas Food Box for a Local Family
- Drop of a check made payable to William Hall Rodgers at the United Way office or a First Horizon Banking Center in Cleveland
- Text WHR to 41444
- Click here to give online (select "William Hall Rodgers" in the Target dropdown)
2024 Registration for William Hall Rodgers is November 4 from 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. at The Denning Center (old YMCA building in downtown Cleveland) - 350 Central Avenue NW; Cleveland, TN 37311
Please print, complete, and bring the following documents to Registration Day on November 4:
WHR Christmas Food Basket Application
Aplicación De La Caja De Alimentos De Navidad De William Hall Rodgers
For questions regarding William Hall Rodgers, please contact our office at 423-479- 2020 and ask for Darlene Hicks.
In the meantime, call Ocoee Connect at 423-800-8008 to get connected to other resources in our community.
Instructions for How to Roast a Turkey (courtesy of Polk County UT Extension)
William Hall Rodgers could not happen without volunteers like you!
For more information about volunteering for registration, packing or distribution day, please call 423-479-2020 or email blairdeacon@unitedwayocoee.org.