ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. These households earn more than the Federal Poverty Level but less than the basic cost of living for the county.
While conditions have improved for some families, many continue to struggle, especially as wages fail to keep pace with the rising cost of household essentials, such as housing, child care, food, transportation, and health care. Households below the ALICE threshold, plus those in poverty, can’t afford the essentials.
Understanding the need in our community is just step one. It takes a united community working together to assist ALICE families as they work to lift themselves into stability. Our United Way strives to provide a safety net and assist these families as they work to lift themselves into stability. We offer this support by funding 40 local nonprofits that provide assistance and resources. We take this a step further by housing strategic internal programs that fill the present gaps in service locally.
Ocoee Connect is our local resource and referral hotline, administering utilities and housing assistance as well as referrals for food, child care, mental care, dental care, family services, and legal aid. If we don't directly provide the service requested, we will connect callers to a local agency with the most up-to-date information to help in a time of need.
Housing United is a collaborative, rapid rehousing-based program that aims to prevent and end homelessness. This internal program was built as a response to the growing housing instability identified by our Community Needs Identification Committee and local Housing Coalition.